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Mogador Design

Business type: Other
Business type: Importer, Exporter,
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2004

Home & Garden

Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts

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Firm Rank: 0

Ours company, Mogador Design, is dedicated to import and to export products craftsmen of different countries, with a proven quality thanks to the good one for doing of our craftsmen who dedicate themselves to maintain the old traditions alive.

Between our products they can find furniture of wood and or forged iron, ceramic, leather, jewels, lamps among other many products for the decoration of the home & garden.

Also we have between us craftsmen of zellige, drawn mosaic known throughout the world.

Address data

Street:Principes de España, 11 P4-P4
Postal code:28820
Phone: +34 91 2313308


Contact person

Name and Surname: Samuel Ezerzer
Phone: +34 91 2313308
Mobile: +34 629389596
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